My deepest appreciation for the animators. [Miniforce X] has such realistic animation, backgrounds and detailed character designs. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the animation from reality, and don't get me started on the lighting - even the windows of a split-second background never fails to reflect light and looks even prettier than real-life. The main characters look fantastic, and each villain has such unique yet detailed designs. The only flaw is the background characters, but since they never appear more than a few seconds it's forgivable.
The music is excellent too, love the battle tunes - they always get stuck in my head. Some slow and relaxing, some upbeat and exciting, some filled with emotions.
The plots are also well-planned. There isn't very many children who wouldn't love adorable chibi critters who transforms into heroic rangers to protect the city. The slice-of-life scenes are incredibly cute - just the idea of annoying everyday life: fooling around, pranks... but when it's time to transform, that's when your mouth just drops open. The action battles are so cool, from the weapons to their action poses. Each move is well-planned. And their Force X Bots - similar to transformers, are amazing also. But instead of them being the bots, they drive the bots inside the cockpit.
Alright, maybe there's some violence in the battles, but it's all to defeat incredibly evil guys, and, rest assured, no blood is ever shown.
Alright, now with the flaws....I would say one of the main flaws from this show is the English translated voice acting. No offence, but some tones feels slightly cringy, and the script could have been better too. But the Korean and Chinese (mandarin) version are simply works of art, if you know either of those languages, I recommend watching those instead of the English dub.
My perspective on the age limit is prehaps 8 - 14 years old, since there are a few sad plots and a lot of no-blood violence. Some words are also quite complicated, and children younger than 8 probably won't understand much. However, younger children might be more willing to watch the original season (Miniforce).
Again, my respect to SAMG Entertainment.