What happened tonight's show of gold rush you put in whit water mixed in with my gold rush was very disappointed in this show I been watching this show for years I had to turn it off many people on mu County went on Facebook n complaining what happened squeezing in white water into our show gold rush with Parker, Tony, and Rick I called my family didn't like it either please bring it back to gold rush not white water not interested in watching white water this was the first time I flipped the channel after all the years of watching gold rush did this happen because white water does not do well I know my family hated it hope you put it back how it was I refuse to watch this show like that mixing to shows together I am posting it on our Facebook about this to see how if any body cared on this episode again I think you will lose many customers if this is done again very very very dissatisfied turned it off half way I put live pd on we need our show how it's been on all these seasons I was very shocked that you done this to your customers. Thank you.