Watch the movie, and ignore the critical-spirited, faith bashing, jerks. (And, it's hardly a fairh-based movie ... why, because they prayed when their plane was going to crash??? ( As the saying goes, "there are no athiests in the fox hole"). Some people reveal the darkness within themselves, because they can't keep their mouths shut...)
This type of movie is challenging to watch. While a true story, cinematically, trying to develop a story line, as well as character development, and tell you everything you need to know to carry you to the end of the film...all in 90 minutes....? As a person who has dealt with a lot of trauma, tragedy, and other situations that most people only read about, or see in movies, (in both professional and personal capacities), I can say the critics- and pundants alike, are little more than out of touch, and insecure, and can not appreciate the reality of living through an experience like this... Likely because they're spoiled, entitled, brats... "slapstick" comedy? (Ok, there was some unnecessary or irrelevant scenes, (kids on the bikes...), but the woman who built the cockpit in the garage...i guess really happened, and it was funny.
Until you live through the hell of something like this, you'll always be an ignorant, callous, unappreciative narcissist, seeking only to stroke your own ego...but because you lack credibility, you can only criticize others...and you should REALLY ZIP it up. Because as you sit in seats of judgement, you rain down your ungratefulness, and reveal your own jealousy and LACK of personal accomplishment.
Perhaps, you need to find something real, and constructive, to do with your life, instead of judging, and condemning, other's efforts to encourage and uplift orhers. Get involved. Make your life count. Take on something real, and get in the fight...human trafficking? Sex trafficking? Fight pedophilia, and save people.... Stop tearing them down... As the saying goes, you're either part of the problem...or the solution.