I hear a lot of people wishing this show would return, unfortunately the sad truth is, even if it did.."it would never be the same"
What Marvel Comics once stood for, is long gone like dust in the wind when now all "Disney-Marvel Comics" cares about besides making $$$, is making sure they they don't hurt anyone's "Feelings" in the process.. of a strange diversity instead of a "Natural Diversity" with black Spideman's running around, gay Iceman's, weird counterdiction stories of clones and dozens of Earth's that make no sense from the original stories, and shock value talent,... it's sad to see it all go like this, and though the King of Pop himself "Michael Jackson" met with Stan Lee and once tried to save this cherished Marvel tradition of these real heroes, stories, and the innocence of our childhood youth by buying Marvel Comics himself and carrying on that same tradition! Back when when all that mattered was defeating the bad guy, saving innocent lives and just giving us fans great Entertainment to watch enjoying the show as a kid, giving kids real role models and a package of moral values at the same incredible time!
That is all gone now except what each one of us holds on to in our own lives and carries with us from this show, as we carry on the real traditions of the "REAL" X-Men and Marvel Comics above all! Thank God we have our History to return too, and these will forever be in our minds, our hearts, the older comic books and the old animated TV series! So what are you waiting for? Go buy these old shows! Bring back what you loved then, and still love today! Bring back your own Saturday mornings for you and your kids,..or just you alone!! Cause the people in charge today, .....never, ....ever will!
Stan Lee set the stage of how Marvel Comics was going to be from back then to eternity,... and though people in charge today can force other motives and opinions on you, they can never change the History or what was intended for all along with THE REAL MARVEL COMICS GROUP! 'NUFF said. -THANK YOU STAN LEE RIP.