The two stars are for those who some hiw did an ok ish thing with dull, unimaginative writing and a play that would have fitted nicely into a single episode of murder she wrote. The misogyny sits semi hidden to the naive eye - but not so much has changed. The pastiche presentation of characters might be rearranged, but not enough is different to make anything feel fresh.
To be fair - it feels like a sulky grab onto misogyny and seeing how much they can lace into a show and still have enough people think it’s modern yet acceptable to very conservative folks.
It attempts to pluck a few different prejudices in the viewer - should they be there to pluck with. But not in anyway that feels meaningful….more of a fence post up butt situation.
And the thing that makes it through the most unscathed - misogyny, misogyny excuses, “not all men” however baaaad the news makes it look.
Love the inclusion aspects of casting being so efficiently utilised to support an our dated stereo type - while misting it in a sense of but no…then again.
So heavy handed and really boring the first time - by the third and fourth it’s just dead weight, and yet it continued - all the way to the end of series…dead weight less interesting than a sack of lard.
I feel like there a few ways they could have got here - hair splitting in a way - everything if we could see how it evolved in real time….
Was it more stereotyped and they gave it a juggle up, was it too woke and made with appeal points for the most prevailing prejudices? Sat firmly with a fence post stuck firmly up them to make sure they fine get rattled down one side or the other. All threads are left a place to run all the way to the end.
Stomach turningily homogenised to less than pulp - it’s just not as exciting. Maybe we can call it beige residue? Seems a better fit.
Might as well have been written by an algorithm.
Writers - get your game up - there’s an ai cut off looming for your jobs - drive quality up before you’ve written your jobs away to bots by being the fleshy algorithms while penny savvy producers wait eagerly for technology to be just about good enough to match up with how far they trained audiences to not noticed AI scripts by then.
I accidentally started to enjoy its mindlessness - plot and ending guessed very early on….good enough background Blah for a Sunday online reading & chatting, a palatable level of keeping up vs not actually watching it at all.
And then I kinda nearly watched it a bit - and I realised the yuks id felt in passing sadly do all thread through into yet another way to polish the turd that is bigotry.
Disappointing naff, and so non descript I’m sure it could be reviewed from any & all angles somewhere in there.
When a bit of telly fodder is no non committed & arse covering to accommodate the modern broad middle and the anti woke right who need their prejudices tucked and included to stay tuned…is it actually worth making at all?
When is telly going to bounce back out of the rut of homogenised beige that accommodated whatever bigotry you’d care to throw at in - in the (nooo we’re not xyz) bigots zone.
Wondering why I didn’t choose to better spend my time napping, starting at a blank wall or trying to count the molecules of water in my glass. Would have been feeling far more entertained.