Please just watch the anime. It is a beautiful masterpiece that most people should watch, if not for the philosophy of the show's ethos, than at least for some wonderful fights and action sequences.
The live action is rough for sure. I doubt any would be surprised by that statement. I will say this, if you like Austin Powers you will like this show. The fights play out in similar fashion, and the humor plays close to that line.
If you liked the anime (which many will fault such a comparison but it is a live-action adaptation so comparison is inevitable here) you might be able to get a B-movie style laugh out of it. But, the true moments of genuine emotion or meaning are dropped pretty hard as the marriage of the reverse plot and the over development of some characters completely butcher it.
It is getting attention now butit will be added to the pile of Bleach and DeathNote adaptations, swing and a miss, but fine try. Adapting a masterpiece was always going to be a tall order.
See you space netflix...