I LOVED the book but I personally regret reading it. It was very interesting while i was reading it but as i got closer to the end, i guess i was not ready for it to go like that.
I am also haitian and an immigrant and I like how the culture was portrayed.
I loved the romance it was my favorite part.
I regret reading it because of what happened to Kasim. After reading it I just couldn’t stop thinking about it and I was deeply affected. Like i was just really sad. Like why him. Why couldn’t it just be Dray.
But I guess it is a good thing that someone’s writing could reach me like this, reach my heart. But unfortunately it made me sad. Like to me it wasn’t a happy ending at all, and personally I prefer happy endings.
This book made me realize how someone else s life obstacles and tragedies can affect mines, even if its not a true story, which is a light relief.
But still, I cant seem to get over it like Kasim was a good person.
I am hurt. I just want to let all my emotions out on in a pillow cause I have been holding it in. I need to talk to someone about this book, maybe It ll help.
Anyways it was a really good book, I am just super sad about how things escalated at the VERY end.
So I give it a 5 star which is weird because I want to get over it. The book was very well written and I could picture everything in my head. I read it in 2 days because no matter where I was i was eager to know what was going to happen next.
Oh and by the way I wish that before Dray died he told the girls that he was the one who killed their dad for closure. The fact that they will never know makes me really sad too.
I guess thats all.