Colossal made me more emotional than I had been expecting. Give it a watch. It's not too long, and even though a lot of the secondary characters just feel incredibly unimportant, the actors themselves are good. I wouldn't necessarily say there are twists, but the story goes in a direction that I really wasn't expecting.
Not the best movie in the world but a thought-provoking one that has a few laughs and definitely a few wide-eyed "what the hell" moments. Something I think everyone could benefit from watching at least once.
I'm so glad the trailer didn't spoil this film.
When the robot first appeared, I thought this would be a fun/nice tale about Gloria and Oscar seeking sobriety together but I was SO WRONG.
Jason Sudeikis as Oscar was phenomenal. He perfectly played the nice guy and seamlessly transitioned into his drunkenly terrifying persona. Once he discovers he's the robot, his obsession with keeping Gloria on a leash and his dark desire to destroy Seoul just to make himself feel big/significant were so unsettling.
The ending was very deserved. I would have knocked off another star if Oscar didn't get his comeuppance. The vengeful side of me wanted to see Gloria's monster stomp him straight into the ground, but I suppose getting flung to his demise was acceptable.
I had to knock some stars off for pacing and for the secondary characters like Joel and Garth (who straight up disappears for the last quarter of the film, lol) being pretty useless and forgettable.