All of my life I had to watch shows and movies with an all white cast. It didn't matter back in the 70's and 80's. I enjoyed watching white people on television; and all of the music I listened to was made by: You know it. Yeah white people, but back then white people weren't so filled with hate. I didn't think about white people as a racist group who gets offended because Minorities finally have shows and music they can relate to. I pay for Cable too, and I
LOVE Black Lightning. The show has a few kinks to work out here and there. BUT on a scale from 1- 10, I personally would give Black Lightning 9.5.
If some of the Racist white people had their way Black People would only watch shows that portray whites as Masters and in control of Blacks. I don't enjoy watching shows that only show white people doing great things. My son at 5 years old came home from school during Black History month: and said to me "Mom I don't wanna be Black no more." When I asked him why he said " Cause they sic dogs on you and they won't let you drink water." My heart still aches because my son died the following year and never had a chance to see Black people in any other roles. Just Slaves, Butlers, or Beggars . BUT he's in a place now, where No Race is in control. And if You're planning to go there, you better accept that fact.