If you've read the books as I have (all the prequels & sequel books too) you will AT BEST be frustrated. True-fully you would be better off knowing nothing of the books because if you even glancingly attempt to make what you know in the books fit with the series you will end up wanting to bang your head against the wall.
Apple TV Foundation IS NOT an adaptation it is a complete rewrite keeping only the basic premise of the narrative, some names, and adding tons of character specific sub-stories where no sub-story existed in the books.
If you know NOTHING of the series you might like it. But if you loved the books you will probably hate the series.It is not even close as faithful to the books as Peter Jackson's adaptation of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.
The producer Goyer is in denial if he thinks this comes close to anything Asimov would be proud of as an adaptation. I can not stand to watch it and will not watch it going forward. I just know too much.