The very little elements of suspense is haphazardly thrown in.
It’s slow. 90% of the story is of a black woman in corporate America. It’s around the 4th episode when they began amping and clarifying the thriller aspects.
A thriller MUST have main characters you can root for. When they’re on the brink of death, we should be pressing pause, because we can’t handle what will happen next.
There isn’t much to Nella and Hazel beyond being black and oppressed. It became too late to connect with Hazel, because her backstory wasn’t explained until episode 9.
Nella’s childhood dream was to work in a publishing space that pushes the boundaries for black writers. But, she can’t do that at Wagner’s publishing company. So, she’s forced to choose between her dream or being a good corporate drone. She’s given an option to work elsewhere where she’ll be respected.
So, It wasn’t realistic for her to stay at Wagner’s when her life was being threatened. Causing the storyline to be flat.
Most of the story is told rather than experienced. It lost it’s momentum. And when the stakes did rise, it fell too quickly.