This is my favorite game of all time!!!
The battle system is super fun and rewarding, every move used by you or your enemies being tailor-made for them by the passionate South Park creators. Walking around town to solve puzzles and collect new weapons or equipment will never cease to feel fun and rewarding. On the topic of puzzles, some of them can actually be a bit challenging on a first playthrough, but as you get used to chaining your moves to access areas it is a blast.
The story is OBVIOUSLY the best ever, being super funny and entertaining the whole way through. While the story and gameplay can be enjoyed by everyone, this game becomes my absolute favorite due to its millions of references to the show. This game OOZES fan service with every joke, piece of equipment, and even every bit of junk you pick up. The game really immerses you into the show and world, not only making you feel like a kid playing with capes and sticks again... but one of the actual South Park boys.