What to expect when playing: playing against actual cheaters, having trolling random teammates, and being banned for no reason. This game started off so good. The beta was the best beta me and my buddy have ever played, and ive been gaming for 20+ years. After its full release its gone nothing but down hill. dont believe? look at the amount of active players from the beta compared to now. They are changing all the wrong things but the final straw for me was banning my buddy. We both play on Xbox and he doesnt even own a computer. 2 Days ago the finals banned him for "detecting cheats" on his PC. First off, he doesnt have a computer. Then after making multiple tickets due to them closing it, the kept changing their reason. "Your PC has cheats, your account has cheats" etc etc. They wont give us a legitmate answer as to why he's banned. And this is just the beginning. there are multiple reddit forums of customers saying the same thing, being banned for no reason. Embark i had such high hopes with yall being BF4 devs. And like every other gaming company nowadays, you're letting your communtiy down.