Let's just be real... If movies, games and comics have ratings based on content and language, so should books, seeing how people's intellect has declined in such a way that sexual themes are now deemed ok for children.... We increased the drinking age a long time ago, then increase the age to buying tobacco, we put ratings on everything and children can't just go in and buy a rated M or AO game or rated r movie without parental consent, but they can go and pick up a sexual or overly mature book from their grade School library without their parents consent... What in the world kind of logic are y'all smoking??? I mean look at the comments and you can see about 50 to 60% of them, maybe more, are people under the age of 15 that haven't even finished school.... And they're already in a school that doesn't want to teach them proper things in life. This world is so full of lies and confusion it is astounding that people even know what the concept of Truth is anymore. It's time for y'all to stop rubbing beef and tapping poles and wake up to the reality that everything that is being pushed is a flip and lie for some sort of marketing scheme for some evil corporation like the one I'm commenting on to make lots of money off of stupidity.... Wake up!!!