There is no doubt that Nik Kershaw was grouped within the guys of ABC, Kajagogo and the likes, as throw away 80's pop. But this couldnt be further from the truth.
As Pete Waterman once called him "The greatest lyricist of his generation" Nik Kershaw is bang on form with Oxymoron.
This is definitely a step on from his last couple of albums "To Be Frank" and "Eight" with many of the songs as good as anything that he has done previously. In fact I would be bold enough to say that they often beat his eighties heyday, and get lodged in your head causing many sleepless nights with the dreaded ear worm.
If i had one complaint about the album, at 16 songs long dropping four of them would have raised the quality to a classic.
Nik is bang on form and should be heard by the widest audience possible with Oxymoron.