This movie is not a feminist movie
It's a capitalist masterpiece
The topic of feminism was completely left untouched, the idea of men and women being equal not mentioned at all not even at the end
The men decorated their houses individually with hobbies and all the women's houses remained pink
The stereotypical gender construct are strong throughout the movie ( women wear pink and play with dolls, men are rough and play sports) perpetuating this idealistic hiarachy on to our youth
I understand the concept is 'reverse racism' and is intended to shock but it completely missed the mark
The only effect this movie is going to have is more women being angry at men for how they are negatively effected by the patriarchy instead of understanding that the patriarchy effects everyone negatively and the aim should be to unite inorder to change our veiws on gender construct
Outtake: all women can be a Barbie no matter what colour or size
As long as they have no cellulite decorate their houses pink and remember that the thin blonde is always the most important
Barbie and Ken not Barbie and Barbie or ken and ken
To call this a feminist masterpiece is an insult it was a jumbled movie with no fixed agenda other than consumerism