This is a movie that has a troubling core premise that conspiracy theorists will grab onto. The main actor holds such dangerous beliefs promoted by Q-anon regarding Democrats and Hollywood and entertainment elites that are harvesting blood of children to keep them young. I am disturbed by trafficking of humans whether they be children or adults. Knowing the people attracted to this actor are finding it redeeming for their weird beliefs. If the movie were solely about child trafficking without that back story about the actor it is a basic movie and enjoyable but for me better on a streaming platform. Realizing many more will review it positively I can’t as it just left me uncomfortable to the pit of my stomach. I went out of curiosity only and just didn’t really enjoy the acting, especially more since I’ve seen his interviews. Others will enjoy it, and will find the theme of saving children redeemable (and keeping children out of the hands of pedophiles who are generally small groups who are often known to the children is important work) I find what is behind the actor’s motivation off putting. Go see it and decide for yourselves. I won’t recommend it, I would however recommend researching the main actor to get some additional information but not if you’re a conspiracy theorist - then it gives fodder for your bizarre fuel.