This movie was pretty bad but decent enough to come write a review. Terrible screenplay, terrible casting, terrible acting, cool storms on the horizons but when you get there they are just dark and underwhelming. Parts that should have been slow were too fast, parts that were too fast should've been slow.
Alec Baldwin shows up, hey we may get something here! Nope. Terrible character building. Didn't care about anyone's story because none of them was truly developed well throughout.
We know too little of the characters. We don't know what is the meaning or purpose of his secret machine. The mother flip flops on attitude about storm chasing even though her entire life she hated it because the father died.
In the end I give it 2 stars it gets an entire star because in the beginning they pay homage to Bill Paxton for a split second and I thought I could be witnessing the next Twister but alas, it was the ripoff crack addict cousin that steals your movie idea from you and Alec "forgetful" Baldwin.