Game is so slow. Lots of running back and forth just talking. Not many enemies, the enemies that are there are bullet sponges. I tried to give it time to get in to the game but just never got better. Lots of loading screens and you spend most of your time fast traveling everywhere. Last straw for me was I accidentally hit a friendly in a base automatically had a bounty. Ran away just figured I could pay my fine. Nope instantly attacked in space and in the city tried fast traveling away just to be instantly attacked there, over a $600 bounty. Just keep getting killed by the OP fleetships. There is no save before this event began. Why would you make it to where you can't pay a bounty. Why not allow you to go to space and the fleet ships board you and take you in. Instead it completely ruined an already okay game. Graphics are good, story was pretty decent for the vanguard so far. Uninstalled not starting over to waste more time.