This movie is one of the best I've ever seen. To see all 23 movies (i believe) combined into one with the perfect amount of focus on each character was honestly unbelievable and i don't know how they managed to create such a good film. My favourite part BY FAR was the battle scene where all the women teamed up and fought, it was honestly so incredibly empowering and it reminded me about what The Avengers were truly about, fighting injustice and encouraging empowerment whether that be in the other heroes or even in regular citizens who have been affected by the snap. I also want to add that they covered the vanish of 4 billion or-so people SO WELL, to see the city of San Francisco majority abandoned with the empty citi bank stadium and cars strewn and deteriorated after 5 years really set the mood for the direness of the situation and how depressing it was for the people who survived the snap. YOU NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!