After watching the animation again I changed my original rating of 2 stars. It wasn’t as bad as I initially thought. Yes they added things from season 2&3 like the Knowledge Owl spirit and unnecessary things like Yue fox. They didn’t get Sokka right because he wasn’t funny at all & Katara isn’t shown enough of her progress in bending. Suki without her make up so soon. Aang was a little boring. But overall they did get somethings right enough. It still could been better though. It did feel rushed. Zuko was good. Iroh was ok. I get that they changed a few things and that’s fine to an extent. I don’t see this version continuing though. They might’ve been better off doing a prequel with Wan the first Avatar or one of the other Avatars, perhaps a Roku, Kyoshi or one we don’t know or see in the animation. If they are able to continue a well casted and written Toph will definitely save the show