BELOW: Is a half-way review where I rated it 2 stars originally based on cinematography, and then I changed it to 4 stars once I finished the movie. (I specify where I put the edit in btw!)
I'm about half way through but can I just say, I reallyyy hate the cinematography. They had so many choices to make it look natural, authentic, and "one with the protagonist", and then they used these awkward clips that looked so pre-prepared? So much potential wasted purely from the cinematography. It looks like your basic Disney or Netflix movie shots, nothing actually appealing to the eye but instead a film crew with infinite money and finite skill. I don't really care about the plot thus far, maybe it might switch up later on. Lilli Rheinhart is wasted on this movie, her natural skill in acting is wasted on a movie like this.
UPDATE/EDIT: This is going to sound so fake but I'm switching up so hard with my stance on this film. It is so beautiful and it shows what that one moment in life is like for a majority of teens/young adult women. It's literally like, 'what if?' What if I got pregnant from that one night stand? What if I kept it and what if I got rid of it? What if the bio father stayed or not? What if I regretted aborting it? What are the consequences for either way? (reference to the 'Look Both Ways' movie title)
Though, as I mentioned before, the cinematography could be very much improved and not look as polished and "Netflix-y" as it does look, in reference to my previous thoughts on the film. But apart from that, I still take back the extreme negative thoughts I had towards Look Both Ways.
Even if a male audience doesn't relate to/understand this film, then I'm sure a female audience will appreciate it to its full extent. (Unless you don't believe in sex before marriage, which I also furthermore respect very much.) And if a male audience does relate to being the other guy who got a girl pregnant, then I'm also glad that there is that representation from a man's perspective.