It was a very forgettable film despite the many glowing reviews posted here. For starters, the fight scenes were very unrealistic as an untrained male in his peak physical state could have quite easily demolished the trained teacher, who despite her noble intentions wouldn't have survived the match, let alone win it, with minimal injuries. Mind you, her opponent was fighting to kill, and she wasn't, so it was comedic to watch her much shorter, smaller figure overtake a young man. We don't have to ignore our physical limitations as women to make a great film about standing up for the right thing. I also wished that the actor playing the unhinged bully role looked his age and had better acting skills because he looked hilarious most of the time, rather than aggravating imo. They could have given a less cliche backstory to the victims, and a morally gray villain and the sidekicks having more of a personality would have made this a more interesting watch.