This is a great book and I hope that every Christian reads it at some point in their life. I also want to commend Rick Warren for using his God-given gift to write the great books that the Spirit has given him. As a life-long Christian steeped in the biblical traditions of the Scripture for all the paths of life, I want to make a clear point of how the Church has NOT defended the principles of our Lord in so many aspects of our American culture. It also disappoints me to a woeful sadness to see how our Christian leaders have sat on their hands and let the ungodly politicians destroy our government and the paths set forth by God in His Word. And yet, on a daily basis we see Washington without interference from anyone set forth the policies that advocate evil and satanic influence. Where are the Christian leaders of the past that so fiercely fought the battles of God in government, our schools, our media, and every facet of our society? Come on, Rick, do something besides raising money and doing "feel good" activities. We will answer to God someday, my brother.