Such a great director he is, just as good as a top-notch actor.He really did a great job with this movie. Easily giving it a perfect 5 to 10 stars.
Kurt Russell is such a "realistic"actor in Breakdown, like all of his films.
I love this guy, he is always giving his best, and this is of no exception.
He was awesome from commencing to the conclusion.
Jeff, a good man, adores his wife, enjoying their cross-country trip to make the move(from east coast) casually dressed,heading to the
West Coast(at least a 2 day drive)in his "reliable" brand new(and or nice newer car from his nice East Coast Living)(Massachusetts) while he and his wife decide a change in Sunny West Coast California,only
to get stuck in the open desert area, while it should've been clear though some 1 messed with his new red truck.(He didn't think to look underneath the car til' his wife was taking a while to return,and he seen the "real problem."
Jeff wasn't able to (early on)ascertain, that the losers in the Black (old)truck did something to his nice car while he and his wife were in the mini-mart(little gas station store.) The idiot(s)greedy low lifers assuming the couple has dinero $(money)so they wanted it.(Clearly, they have done this before, to others)however, I have no doubt, this was the more difficult couple, they've probably never ran into, with doing this illegal act etc., and it is clear, Jeff & Amy, are in much danger, due to one's greed."
Love the scene where we see Kurt assuming his wife was "dead" but she was not, (kidnappers assumed wrongly too) in the garage,
at Barr's casa. Best scene also was seeing Kurt(Jeff) get into the house,
and the expression on ALL of their faces, that they were "finally caught" was classic! Never ever tired of this movie, because it's that good."
When Jeff seen Amy in the "freezer" and he then told Barr, (with much cursing in the scene),," Now YOU get down there! ROFL #Classic scene! Loved it & then he kicks Barr down, while slamming the door on Barr. (lol)hilarious! Him and Amy run and we all know what happens after."
The only part i hated, while watching Breakdown is when a "trained" policemen (who shall regret it later) let the kidnapping jerk go (at first) Such a great movie,because of the way the 2 were so happy, on their way to a better life feasibly, new state(CALI) & then, everything changes, as fast as a NY Minute, by not one involved, but several.
Very good movie, especially when (at least)it will end happy for both.
Quinlan as his wife was also good in it, but KURT was great."(Like in all of his films.) Adios.