I originally thought; “wow this movie is not going to be good”. However I decided to watch the rest and came to the conclusion that this movie is truly sending a perfect message. Kids from a young age are spending their time on on electronics growing up and learning from what they see on media, and the characters introduced in this film are perfect examples of what our world has become. Boys want hookups. What’s commitment right? Media. Girls, it’s like self respect ceases to exist. We need a change, in order to have respect from others you need to respect yourself. I think that the release of this movie was a positive thing. It was an eye opener. It’s time we face the harsh reality and do what we must do to improve. Not let this issue of a lack of respect exacerbate. Yes this movie showed the boys treating girls like objects and all of the girls being easy. That’s the reality, girls’ behavior is what makes boys think that they are entitled to objectifying them. This movie just showed us how big of a problem this mutual disrespect is.