First thing im gonna say is they should have released the game in its entirety upon multiple disks in a big super video game box and made it any price. I would have been just fine with paying $300+ to have this whole thing and gladly play through it all. Upon finding out it was just a portion of the game, it took a minute but i was relieved a bit that they didnt try to cram it all in. There are so many parts to the game that just cant be left out. The snowboarding. Fort condor. Vincent. The list goes on. I hope that the speading of the entire game lets them cover every base and really dissect and flesh out everything. Ethier way, so far SO GOOD.
Right out the gate the music and the graphics are everything i hoped for and more. I didnt expect the story in the remake to be identical to the PS1 version but when it lines up, its great. The aesthetics of the slums With the view of the plate and the train scene. Its all so spot on. Walking the rooftops with Aerith were enough to make it all feel perfect. Even her hesitant jump over the gap and the view of the church with the hole in the roof. It was all so well recreated and it made sector 5 a real place. The giant machine gun outside the weapon store in sector 5 and the crashed helicopter and scaffolding were all so perfect. The attention to detail in the parts that had attention did not lack or miss a beat. Perhaps i am excited that im really playing it but just like everyone else, you cant help but look for imperfections as we have all this engraving of the original game. the summons are all so fantastic looking. Makes my so giddy thinking about how bizzaro or safer sephoroth would look
I hope sony doesnt try to cross it over to PS5 now thats coming down the pipe line staggering the whole thing but with the game really blossoming after the gang leaves midgar with the airship and literally multiple continents worth of worlds to recreate, i hope PS4 can handle that. Like figting bizzaro sephoroth with every character and this fighting style seems like it could be its own game. Otherwise this game is going to be one hefty investment in order to make it to the end of the story.