“The Fosters” storyline transitions perfectly into “Good Trouble” with it coming into existence several years afterwards. The growth from Callie and Mariana, both in their professional lives and personal lives has continued to flourish in a way that solidifies their futures appropriately for their opposing personalities. Each season has focused on very important world issues and persuades the audience to ask themselves about the issues within their own communities that they’ve perhaps, neglected to notice. It encourages one to progress- per say- along with the show.
The occasional presence of the ‘OJ’ cast from the fosters has also added a feeling of nostalgia for those who were lucky enough to have watched the fosters beforehand. It’s the feeling of love that their family resonates for each-other that shows us the level of possibilities one can posses from something as simple as having a loving family that supports you, always.
This show will drive you insane on occasion and have you telling them that if they had just been honest, or done [this] instead, it would have ended so much better- as if they can actually hear you or something lol. It will have you feeling a sense of pride for who Callie and Mariana have become, and have you excited for all that’s to come.
This review wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention the AMAZING cinematography and how the scenes are shot. The flashbacks are so clear and without obvious fashion- no black and white or different tones. You just KNOW. The camera angles appear so unique and the shows ability to show slow-motion facial expressions while a character is speaking is seemingly next to none. If anything, the cinematography and the music taste is enough to give this show a chance to become one of your favourites!