0 stars for this film. Every single soul out there, who absolutely adores this film (concepts like the: non-existent and theoretical multiverse, the numerous woke[asleep] messages, the supposed profundity of it all, the excessively stupid humour, and the depressing emptiness that the film tries to solve), is actually in need of Jesus Christ/God - WHO is love, truth and life. They need to be filled by His Spirit in order to overcome the very things this film talks about as issues.
The film's message is all about acceptance and love, even the credits finish with a strange desperate repetition of "I love you" as if that alone will heal the hearer - perhaps, for a moment, but it's an empty gesture - real life requires far more. The audience for whom EEAAO was made, those who believe this to be a masterpiece in terms of concepts and values expressed, they are actually missing the point - and will continue to be stuck in the things that make them miserable - because they are trying to find love, acceptance and meaning everywhere else except where it truly is: in the Creator, and one's relationship with Him.
Thankfully there are people finding this out for themselves every day, abandoning their immoral life styles of rebellion of every kind, and finding peace and a new life in God - which this movie ironically wanted to find in self-destruction. But opts to find it in acceptance of everything, because that's the rule book of someone who still prefers the chaos. This film pits mother against daughter, with the daughter representing darkness, chaos, emptiness, self-destruction. But the mother, being a heroine in the mold of the woke crowd's value systems, is not the true light her daughter needs - the mother represents the false light. False light and darkness are two sides of the same evil coin. They are both chaos, there is no healing, order or love in them - not the kind that every human being really needs!
What an unwise and destructive film this is. The film presents a fairy tale like ending - but real life does not work that way. Consequences for promoting and living by any kind of lie or chaos, brings lasting effects upon you and others.
The summation of this film is: False hope. False light. False love.
Unfortunately that is what happens when you try to find love and hope and meaning and all of the other positive aspects of life, whilst leaving out the very Maker of your soul, the Creator. Jesus Christ.
The makers of the film are lost, and so is their art. The blind leading the blind. Giving false hope to one another.
If you seek real wisdom, turn to God, and He will show you truth and love, Himself, so that you can see for yourself how corrupt movies like this are, and how corrupt the culture that celebrates and produces movies like this really is. And then God will show you what He has in mind for you, and for this world. And you will outgrow nonsense like this, and you will laugh at yourself for considering this a masterpiece.
This film is a noble attempt by deceived human creators, but my review was written to let even one soul out there know that they - that YOU may not remain deceived, but see through the lies and false hopes, so that YOU may seek out real healing, and find full restoration. You know to Whom you must turn. He who never turns anyone away, and saves anyone that asks.