"Malena," written by Luciano Vincenzoni, is not merely a film that explores the sexual awakening of its protagonist, Renato. It also serves as a scathing critique of society as a whole. Through its setting, Renato's burgeoning adult desires, and the dialogues of the town's inhabitants—both male and female—the movie presents a mirror reflecting the societal dynamics of the time. Vincenzoni, like writers throughout history, uses his work to shed light on the prevailing attitudes and behaviors of the era. In this case, he criticizes the sensuality exhibited by the men in the town and the jealousy displayed by the women towards the beautiful Malena.
I highly recommend this film to anyone who is planning to watch it. It serves as a powerful tool for distinguishing between the nature of men and women. The story takes place in a town where Malena, a stunning woman, resides while her husband endures the hardships of World War II. She is treated as a commodity in the market, where every man desires not only to gaze at her but to possess her sexually. This desire is felt not only by the young Renato but also by all the male characters in the narrative. Meanwhile, the women in the town harbor jealousy towards Malena due to her enchanting figure and beautiful face, attributes that they themselves do not possess. To those women, I would like to emphasize that beauty is a natural gift bestowed by God. If one is not blessed with it, there is no need to be envious. Instead, their envy leads to gossip and, eventually, to acts of violence against Malena.
Throughout the course of human civilization, women have often been regarded as objects of desire, existing solely to please men. However, it is crucial to recognize that there are two genders, both with similar physical characteristics. While men lack enlarged female chests and women lack male genitalia, their internal structures are comparable. Unfortunately, some men consider women to be their property due to this physical openness. They believe that women are meant to satisfy their desires. This is the central message that Vincenzoni aims to convey to his audience.
In the last, "Malena," written by Luciano Vincenzoni, not only delves into the protagonist's sexual awakening but also serves as a sharp critique of society at large. Through its portrayal of the town's inhabitants, their dialogues, and the setting, the film reveals the sensuality exhibited by the men and the jealousy harbored by the women towards the beautiful Malena. Vincenzoni uses this narrative to shed light on the prevailing attitudes towards women as objects of desire throughout history. It is a thought-provoking movie that offers valuable insights into the nature of both genders.