Trolls and bias goofballs all over this review section. This is a great show and I feel like the loudest voices in this review section are people who don’t care about the series in whole or completely looked passed what this was supposed to be. But I’m here to tell you what’s up. ITS LITERALLY CALLED TALES OF THE WALKING DEAD. It’s side and back story’s that will hold more water in the other spin off series they have dropping. If you only care about Rick, Carl, and Glenn then you probably stopped watching when they died. Most of the negative reviews come from people who haven’t caught up on the original and spin offs and watched 2 episodes. If you were expecting a walking dead pt2 then you will be disappointed. It’s only a side show about back and side story’s if you want more then you have to wait for the main spin offs. But for the people that watched a side show about present and future characters without being caught up or caring about other characters have been the majority in the comments but if you like the walking dead universe you will love the show hopefully this is helpful for the real fans ❤️❤️❤️