I am a Marvel Fan, But this wont be Bias.
I loved the game and for anyone that is a Marvel Fan. I encourage you to get this game. It has the most amazing story. It felt like I was watching an MCU Title and I didn't want it to stop.
I could not put down my controller after the first 30-minutes of the Game.
Story = 10/10
Combat = 9/10
What's BAD about the Game is the Microtransactions.
Why isn't it possible for me to unlock suits through doing challenges?
My Son who is 5 years old Finished Both Spiderman 2018 Remastered and Miles Morales. We have collected all the suits and that was our GOAL.
Yesterday I had to explain to him why I am not buying the Suits for Spider-man.
If it were ever possible to unlock most of the suits through doing challenges daily/weekly then there wouldn't be anything BAD to say about the Game. I love Marvel and Appreciate them.