To anyone who claims Marx inspired the murder of millions, I ask you, is Jesus responsible for centuries of religious extremism? Is he responsible for all dead men killed in his name? No. I also have this question to put forth, how does one struggle for freedom if not revolution? Was it wrong for the slaves of Haiti to kill their masters? Was it wrong for the French to resist Nazi occupation of France? One does not receive freedom, he has to take it through the bloody fight, because the powerful men who do not care about ideas such as fairness equality and egalitarianism will not hand over power on request. Lastly, id like to point out that the face of tyranny is many, there is many nations in the world who are or have once proclaimed themselves a Republic, a Democracy, Communist and Socialist, Tyranny doesn’t care about such ideas, it just cares to use these ideas for camouflage, Marxism carries within it the seeds of revolution wherever tyranny may be found, was the Soviet Union devoid of ownership of Capital and employment of labor by a few men? No. Did it has class distinctions? Yes. Same with China, Cuba, North Korea, and every other self proclaimed socialist nation on Earth. Knowing this, do you really think the Marxist will be satisfied with living in such a unjust society? The young Marxist students at Beijing’s Renmin university don’t think so. I rest my case. The only reason to fear Marxism, is if you are one of the swines who get fat off of our labor and are unwilling to cooperate with our social class. Good day to you.