the main character (an entitled obsessive control freak) finds her villa has been accidentally double booked with a conveniently handsome British man and just expects him to leave and let her take over even though he's already settled in. When he doesn't bend over backwards to accommodate a stranger, she causes him to have an allergic reaction, changes the locks, watches him falling off the balcony and simply takes a photo with a smug smile on her face despite the real risk of significant injury, calls the police on him for no reason, wasting emergency resources, throws a plate of pasta at him because he told her it was made with horse meat and she thinks that's gross (it was mushroom), and smashes a window with a block of pecorino cheese. His pranks were also mean (except the horse meat prank) but were always in retaliation and didn't put anyone in physical danger, yet he apologises to her, she never says sorry for anything. And then we're expected to believe they could magically form a romantic connection?? And for what? Are they going to start a long distance relationship after knowing each other 1 week? The only good character is Uberto and the most irredeemable part of this movie is that they both hate cats.