All the "maroons" saying it's bad just to say it's bad, and saying it has no relation to Endgame have clearly not seen the movie.
All the people saying "the hype", because there really wasn't any hype, and not once did any advertising campaigns claim it was "the best movie ever", and anyone saying it was "overhyped" did not see the movie.
It's amazing how many "men" feel threatened and have projected their own insecurities on a film starring a woman as the lead. Lol
The honest reviews have it: it's a good bridge movie, just like Spiderman Homecoming, GoT Vol 2, Thor 2, Ant-Man, etc. It's a solid bridge movie. It does what it needs to do, it adds to the universe, it helps connect a lot of past and present events in the MCU, and it's a pretty fun movie.