Game looks great. Cant deny that. But its a Snooze fest late game. Just hit level 96 in season 1, and I wanted to hang up the monotonous grind 8 levels ago. Overall, I'd hafta say the biggest let downs for me are:
1) Needing to follow a character build guide to actually be relevant late game
2) needing to comb over millions of rares and legendaries for the correct combination of stats that you'll never find. To add to that, there are so few unique items in the game that you don't even get excited when you see them drop because odds are you're following a cookie cutter character build that prefers you scour the world 200x for that perfect stat rare. Oh! And no set items or runes.
3) No reason to trade. Therefor noone can help you find items you need. Good luck.
4) Bugs. Sooooo many bugs.
If you're looking for a time killer, and are a fan of the series, it's a fun game until you find yourself grinding dungeons. And if you enjoy veging out and drooling on yourself, you'll feel right at home here. The lack of thought that went into the items, and actually giving the characters different item builds accompanied with the recommended skill/ability builds takes the soul and personality out of the game of you ask me.