I switched a number of years ago from NBC to CBS because NBC became another audience pleasing entertainment show and not a news show. But for the last year or more, Gayle King has decided that she is now the mouth-piece for all of America. Gayle, I think you are funny and very savvy, but what you are not is a dig-down-deep reporter (you know that though and you'd be the first to admit it) and you are not in tune with a very large portion of Americans, you are a very, very wealthy, Oprah praising New Yorker who has transformed from a working Mom to a privileged upper-class arbiter of all things Oprah and Gayle. (Good for you for climbing a very tall ladder, and I do mean that). Your constant personal input on what's going on in the news takes away from the viewer's opinion that is forming in their brain just prior to you filling that momentary void with your upper-class opinion. You are not a lawyer, you or not a cop, you are not a reporter and you are no longer a middle-class citizen, you are a rich person living in the bubble of celebrity and wealth and your opinions reflect that. I think a better format for you would be "The Talk" now that Ozzy's foul-mouthed wife is gone from that show, maybe you can save it from being canceled with your personality, which in fact you do have and it's a good one. If you want to stay on the news, help make it the NEWS again - think Walter Cronkite - mix his delivery with your charm and keep your personal opinions (on seemingly everything) to yourself, that way, I and many other folks across the US can continue watching CBS This Morning.