Honestly the movie was decent it wasnt bad or the best but it was decent as a big fan of saint seiya i wasnt all too let down i liked the fight scenes as they were done amazing and the build up to the end and it was alright, although it wasnt very saint seiya ish till around the last 20 minutes with the fight between seiya and ikki besides the training with marin which i did like, also i noticed that both times seiya is about to get his cloth a version of pegasus fantasy plays which made me happy speaking of his cloth it doesnt appear until near the end of the movie which means that you dont see it as much so the complains about the cloth isnt as dramatic as it has been, i wouldve given this movie a 3/5 but since i want a sequeal and i know they can do better ill give it a 4/5, (personal part) During quarintine my father introduced me to saint seiya or los caballeros del zodiaco
as its known in mexico and since then ive been a big fan im currently 17 as this movie is being realesed this series means alot to me and i want others to like it aswell so give this movie a chance whether you like it or not to give it a higher chance of a better sequeal