Despicable Me 3 is a must-watch animated movie that is full of humor, heart, and adventure. The movie is the third installment of the Despicable Me franchise and brings back our beloved characters, Gru, Lucy, and the adorable minions. Here are some reasons why you should watch Despicable Me 3:
Firstly, the movie is hilarious. The minions, as always, bring tons of laughter with their silly antics and funny expressions. They are the highlight of the movie and will make you chuckle throughout. The movie also introduces a new character, Gru's twin brother, Dru, who is the complete opposite of Gru. Dru is a rich and flamboyant character who provides a new dimension to the story and adds to the humor.
Secondly, Despicable Me 3 has a heartwarming storyline that focuses on family and relationships. The movie explores the relationship between Gru and his long-lost twin brother, Dru, as they team up to fight the villainous Balthazar Bratt. The movie also highlights the bond between Gru and his three adopted daughters, Margo, Edith, and Agnes. The relationship between Gru and Lucy, his wife, is also beautifully portrayed, and their love for each other is evident throughout the movie.
Thirdly, the movie has a great soundtrack that will keep you tapping your feet. The soundtrack includes popular songs like "Bad" by Michael Jackson, "Take on Me" by A-ha, and "Freedom" by Pharrell Williams. The music adds to the overall experience of the movie and complements the action and humor perfectly.
Lastly, the animation in Despicable Me 3 is stunning. The movie is visually appealing and is a treat for the eyes. The vibrant colors and detailed animation bring the characters and the story to life. The action scenes are also beautifully choreographed and will keep you at the edge of your seat.
In conclusion, Despicable Me 3 is a fun-filled animated movie that will entertain both kids and adults alike. It has a great storyline, hilarious characters, a fantastic soundtrack, and stunning animation. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ride with Gru, Dru, Lucy, and the minions.