I am here commenting on the new season of "YOU", season 3. So far I am only 3 episodes in and there is a lot needed to be said. Now to start off with the overall (of what i've watched so far) there is a big difference between this season and season 1 and 2. Instead of following the storyline of Joe, Penn Badgely, finding a new lover that he will do anything for and taking it a step too far, season 3 has followed a new story line. This new storyline is definitely different to day the least, now Joe is sticking with the same girl, Love, and the aspect of the show feels different. It doesn't feel like I am watching the same show as before, it feels like I am watching a different show with the same main characters and new background characters. Like a spin off show or a reboot a couple of years later. I don't know how I feel about it yet, I'm glad that Netflix tried doing a different storyline than the previous 2 seasons however, it was not a change that was needed and they could've done the same thing without a single eyebrow raised. It's more like a "if it ain't broke, dont fix it" sort of thing. Netflix could've done the same storyline as they did before with the new character Natalia, but I guess they were trying something unique. I like the innovation but now the show doesn't feel the same as it did before (so far). Also, season 3 episode 3 is basically an ad for the COVID vaccine. First of all, I don't really like it when shows use current issues in the world because tv is supposed to be a break from life but besides that, episode 3 was a blatant ad for the vaccine. Netflix tries to disguise it by trying to use measles as the scapegoat but I saw right through it. It was clear and obvious that they were trying to throw in some easter eggs here and there by using little Henry getting the measles to shade a "crazy anti-vaxxer" that is spread "measles." Now, I am pro vaccine but putting a 40 minute ad in one of my favorite tv shows and trying to hide it, is a line that must not be crossed. They even put a scene of Love reading an article with the title "The Anti Logic of Anti-Vaxxing." I get that Netflix is trying to spread awareness of the vaccine but this is a step too far. Anyways, those were my major points on the first 3 episodes of "YOU" season 3. :)