This was a great Episode, I enjoyed seeing how John the Baptist is presented as Jesus's Cousin, and the expression on Jesus's face to know his destiny. Such a tender moment as are many! May God continue to Bless You Dallas, the perfectly selected Cast, and the Camera men and Hard work you and your Whole team have put together to bring this amazing TV Series for the World to view free, through Paying it forward to sustain the Production. I'm So anxious to see Episode 6, to see Mary and what has happened to her, after her encounter with the Evil filled man and how it shed a deep shadow in her heart. Another Miracle for that Man to be rid of Evil. Thank you for all the work you have all put together, and Dallas you are an endless Energizer who keeps on going and giving. You have a great mind and ability to speak in such a short amount of time with all the information you can enlighten us with. Thank you for your gifts, with 11 % off as well.