This movie was breathtaking to say the least. The visuals, the comedy, the tragic sub plots of the characters were all so eloquently crafted and thought out. I really can’t put into words what this movie has done for me personally. I feel inspired and grateful everyday that I got to view this undeniable masterpiece. I remember when the dog detective had to sacrifice himself to stop the 2nd coming of the Nazi regime. I never felt so much emotion in my life. I felt distraught after watching his death, I couldn’t live with myself for around 6 months knowing that I’m still here because he isn’t. Because of him the National Socialist creed isn’t corrupting the world any further. My kids get to live a better life because of him. I’ll always remember his decision to give his own life for the world. This movie is a true story after all. Something remarkable about this movie is that not only is the screenplay pure perfection but so is the animation. The movements of the characters and the way they “interact” so to speak with their surroundings is utter orgasmic beauty. Their motions are so fluid and realistic, I honestly begin to question if this is animated at all. Pure talent crafted this film, nothing short of it. This film stands for the end of the patriarchy, integration, loyalty to your brethren, proper representation to the masses, what it means to be indomitable, compassion, sacrifice, the dissolution of social hierarchies, betrayal, the true meaning of being unassailable, and most importantly how to properly show affection and tenderness to the people who are dearest to you. I’ve learned so much from this movie that I translate to my everyday life. Tears well up in my eyes if it passes through my mind for even an instant. All I can say is go watch the movie yourself and learn of it’s brilliancy all your own. It truly is a landmark achievement for the human race. Thank you Food Fight, for existing when this cruel world needed you most. <3