In the film, there were a lot of metaphors and superfluous importance that had nothing to do with the plot. Why would the girl's spirit be relevant if she didn't help with anything, and why would the one girl who could see the ghost be relevant? What was the goal of retaining just one bit of the victim's enchantment? What purpose did that bike shadow serve? What is the point of the title in the first place? That man touching the wall made me think that the title is named that way because he buries his victims' bodies through the house walls, exactly like he did with his other victims. I also assumed that the girl who could see ghosts would assist her in locating the murderer. I spent two hours trying to figure out each and every clue. I was convinced that the films she took with her camera would have helped them figure out who the killer was because she snapped pictures of everything. I thought the main character's job before going to heaven was to bring justice to her family, but instead, she had time to kiss her high school boyfriend through the body of the only person who could have helped her.