Philosophy as an art - is dead 💀 RIP
Long ago, in a galaxy far far away...
(For folks who were not of this galaxy when this movie was first released.)
Simply... There are not words express the disappointment after 40 years of following what was originally such an inspirational and enlightening film... Long ago and far far away, is here, now and today.
In the beginning: Good vs. Evil with lines blurred as to every good intention has a negative consequence to someone. Maybe the dark side wasn’t dark to begin with. The lesson, you can trade freedom for security but eventually you will lose all freedom.
The middle (New Hope - Empire - Return of the Jedi): Maybe even the most evil amongst us can be redeemed and Freedom is worth fighting for. If you work hard, listen to your elders learn and focus. - You can overcome great odds...
The end: Absolute political garbage and digital special effects for the masses... Covers all the bases of gender, race, and whatever else... So long as you understand we don’t need white men... Unless they are soy boy believers who will never question the status quo... Then they’re okay and can stay.
Garbage for the soul, made by people with no vision beyond their politics, incessant jealousy, lack of ability to compete in true equality, and hate for what has, and will likely always be, true...
Ultimately, human nature shall forever be the lesson, in this series. Yes, even with this sad sack mambi pamby ending to what could (should) have been epic and for all time... Thanks Disney - you suck.