Video Gaming is a platform where you can not only entertain others, but a platform where you can leave your players with a message that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Varsav’s “Bee Simulator” is a one of those games. This is game truly is god-sent; I completely disregarded my wife, children and job all to keep playing this game and pollinating flowers. This is a real mans game, with beautiful next-gen graphics, and a compelling storyline of a young bee protecting it’s hive. My friend will bee receiving this game for Hanukkah, for he is a drug addict and this game may just bee able to turn his life around. The fact that this game exists is unbeelievable, as it finally allowed me to see through my third eye. Bless Varsav, and all the gentlemen and ladies who brought us this life-altering game. Hallelujah!