For starters the theme song shouldn’t have been changed. I listened to it once and fast forward it on every episode because it’s too bland and boring.
I dislike how the characters are still the same age. I wish the creators was actively listening to the fans before making a reboot because it was a lot of feedback on social media , some of the original fans even provided illustrations.
The could’ve kept Sticky on the show and gave O. B another chance .
It start off by the characters hitting puberty but then being the same age , doesn’t add up. Michael is the ONLY character that changed drastically. The other characters look the same just vibrant colors and a lil difference here and there. Djonay is bigger than the original character and I’m not sure as of why. Oh I forgot about Zoey , her outfit, hair, and body changed.
I believe “the gang” should’ve been adults or atleast teenagers on there way to college. Outfits and hair should’ve changed.
The episodes are all over the place , they are not making any sense. They should of been telling a story all together and not a story per episode.