This movie is a lot of fun. Yes, it has bad dialogue. No, it is not realistic. Of course it is extremely predictable. But let me ask you this -- what is wrong with going to the movies and having a good time? Come movie award season next winter, you will not see this movie anywhere close to being nominated for anything, but it doesn't have to be. Of course you can wait and watch this at home on T.V. or the computer, but seeing it on the big screen only adds to the fun. "Crawl" is one of those movies which hearkens back to those days of "B" movies with "no name" actors and corny scripts which inundated Drive-In movie screens during those hot summer months from the 1950's to the mid 1980's. It's pure nostalgic fun in a day and age where most movies tend to take themselves too seriously. "Crawl" likely won't be in theaters very long, and I would recommend you "run" and not "crawl" to see it on the big screen before it is gone.