Excellent. In the mold of the remade Watchmen, finally science-fiction with a Black perspective not just relegated to the character, but the entire world construct with a real view through the American historical lens. Bold story with JJ Abrams name attached to it was a bit of a surprise. Again thank you Jordan Peele for telling our truths even in a fictional genre.
In an era where were inundated with typical stories about standard charters, I’m willing to consume something that’s not so perfect but still addresses the subject than waiting for this prefect treatise. Every discussion about racism or science fiction doesn’t always need a deep commitment to the topic in place of everything else (story). The point is racism happens despite monsters in the woods; is a part of our world and we deal with the burden it causes, but from a fictional perspective it need not overtake the extraordinary hero’s journey.
If we don’t hold this storytelling standard for most White directors/writers, we shouldn’t hold Peele to it either.