Sooo I saw where you had something on the news about St. Peters in Olympia about not letting people in but the news crew got in.... I recently had a boyfriend in, he has short term memory, and needs my assistance and I could not be there. He was discharged and very little instructions on what to do... If I would have been there, I would have be able to know what ... My friends mother had a stroke in the hospital was not allowed to be with her... This is such nonsense....that nobody can go in... In Tacoma at least one person can be with someone, and she follow their rules for being careful. Soooo I want to complain... I understand there is a virus... But the virus did not end everyone's life... We are still living, we have to live life, we are getting old... The older people are becoming disposable.... no need for compassion, they need others to be there to support them, be their advocate, etc...