I am currently at the cinema watching this and I am wondering what I am watching or supposed to be or what is going on. I don’t know what the writer/director/producer are trying to accomplish but it’s not doing it. I don’t consider myself to be dumb but this is like reading homer… even homer was enjoyable for me or watching an avant garde or something, I mean I am still wondering what this is supposed to be about. I don’t think this movie was produced for the general public or for cinematic purpose. I am inclined to believe it’s supposed to be for a subset of people for a critique or something. It’s just so convoluted, it doesn’t flow, it’s not smooth. It’s bad, it leaves you confused and wondering what the storyline is about. It’s not something for friends to enjoy or for couples. It’s like those philosophy textbook that our professor give us to read and write about and j even enjoy philosophy! Do yourself a favor and don’t bother wasting your money watching it. You will not enjoy it with your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse or friends. It’s very terrible